LaserLock MID protects applications that are distributed via the Internet or CD-ROM.
LaserLock MID for Downloadable applicationsWith LaserLock MID the main executable file of the application is protected. LaserLock MID works as follows:
The end-user installs the protected application on a PC. The first time the application runs, it presents the user with a key code and asks for an activation key.
The user then obtains the activation key from the Internet, by e-mail or by phone, and uses it to activate the software only on the machine the key was generated.
Note the following:
a. The publisher of the application can generate and provide activation keys independently or have LaserLock provide the key management function for a small fee.
b. Once the activation key has been entered in the application it will no longer require any additional authentication.
c. The application cannot be copied or run on any other system without being re-registered.
LaserLock MID will not allow the software to run if it is copied to another PC over a network, or via an optical disc, or if the hard-disk where the software was installed is moved to another PC, or if the entire OS and software on the PC is ghosted to another PC.
LaserLock MID can also be combined with LaserLock dongle if necessary for further security.
In addition LaserLock CD/DVD protection can work along with LaserLock MID, for applications that must run on specific PCs and from original CD/DVD.
In critical applications LaserLock can incorporate MID, as an integrated LaserLock option to allow developers to bypass CD/DVD-ROM protection and fall back to MID in order to accommodate their client base.
LaserLock MID functionality requires the use of a key generator. The generator is a program that produces key codes, which are sent to users. The key code is then entered into the MID'ed application, which is thus 'locked' on the PC on which it is running. The key generator must be available to Laserlock customers so that they can service incompatibility support requests. This module can be available in the following forms:
a. As a standalone executable, customized for a particular order code. This will only generate valid keys for the particular order code. Such an executable is currently 95% done - only the order code customisation is left to do.
b. As a web application running on a Laserlock server that the client can connect to in order to service a support request. In this case, the user must provide the end-user machine ID key generated by MID, and also a Laserlock order code in order to obtain a key. Such a web application requires development and can be in alpha stage in 7 workdays.
c. As a Laserlock order code-specific library to be integrated into a third party customer product.
The user can send the LaserLock MID machine ID code by e-mail or over the phone to a support person who has access to either 1 or 2 above and receive a key code
n case the executable we protect is a run-time file from a multimedia tool such as "Authorware", " Director", "Flash", "FoxPro", "Toolbook" we have to be more careful because what this program usually does is only to load a script.
Someone can create a new projector executable that can run the protected executable's script bypassing the protection.
Our new product is aimed at providing full protection for the Director v.6.5 and v.8.0, as well as Flash v.5.0, v.6.0 and v.7.0 applications using a highly innovative approach, without any effort from the developer.
There are 2 levels of protection for application developed with Multimedia Developing Tools:
01. The new innovative approach (High protection)
LaserLock Special Encryption Method (applies only to Director v.6.5 and v.8.0, as well as Flash v.5.0, v.6.0 and v.7.0).
The application has to be delivered to LaserLock.
We will protect the EXE-file and we will encrypt the script files (dxr, dcr or swf).
The protected executable decrypts the scripts on-the-fly in the memory before using them. There are no decrypted files on the hard disk during this process.
02. Standard approach (Medium protection)
a. LaserLock Implementation
We will send you a library according the development tools you use and a sample code "how to call LaserLock functions".
You will add it in to your program and you will choose the behavior of the application in case the authentication fails.
You can also pass a parameter to the calling script. The script that is called is checking that the parameter is correct.
b. LaserLock No-implementation
You will protect your EXE-file via our online tools or you will send the EXE-file to us via e-mail to be protected.
1. In order for quick service please take into consideration the following:
When software protection is carried out by LaserLock or authorized LaserLock licensee
a. Fill in the technical form (A1) and the order form (2) completely
i. Always tell us the replication factory you will use and their stampers specification.
b. Send us 2 master discs, properly prepared:
i. The protected application executable (EXE) must be in uncompressed format on the CD-R/DVD-R. Please store it in "native" PE-32 EXE format and avoid using executable compressors. This is because the EXE will be modified by implementing the LaserLock Protection Code in it and the original EXE will be replace on the disc with the PROTECTED one.
ii. The gold master CD-R must have at least 20 MB of free space and the gold master DVD-R at least 40 MB; this space will be occupied by the LaserLock System. If a setup utility copies the EXE to the hard disk, then it must copy it from the uncompressed file on the CD and without checking its size.
2. When software implementation is carried out by developer
a. Fill in the technical form (1) and the order form (2) completely
b. Make a connection to LaserLock online tools and download a set of LaserLock Library files and an implementation guide. Alternatively, you can receive them via email.
c. Link those files with the application and produce the gold master.
d. Prepare the pre-master disc with LaserLock online tools.
e. Fully test the pre-master in all the operating conditions, as it operates in the exact same way as the final replicated disc.
The executable should be
In standard PE-32 (Windows 32-bit application) format
Unique . This means that if the executable is actually a kind of viewer for some kind of standard data files (PDF viewer for PDF documents, Folio Viewer for Folio files etc.) then protecting the executable is useless, since the protection can be bypassed by just replacing the protected viewer with the standard one that can be found very easily e.g. in Internet.
The same goes for the case that LaserLock protects the setup executable file (such as Installshiled, Microsoft Setup, Wyse etc). The setup executable must be unique; otherwise the protection can be bypassed by just replacing the protected setup.exe with the standard one.
The ".text" session of the executable must be at least 4 Kb
The executable should NOT be
Compressed (self-extractive application)
Protected with any kind of protection (CD-ROM, Dongle, etc.)
Encrypted with packers/patchers (UPX, etc.)
The ".text" session of the executable must be at least 4 Kb. There is no limitation of the maximum size of the EXE-file, however the big the size increases the loading time of the executable, especially if an anti-virus program presents. This can be noticed when the protected EXE is bigger than 20 MB.
Protecting executables created by any developing tools that is using scripts (such as "Authorware", "Director", "Flash", "FoxPro" and "Toolbook") should be handled with special approach. See below "Laserlock and Multimedia Developing Tools".
For info about our other products, please contact support@laserlock.com
LaserLock pre-mastering
LaserLockT pre-mastering can be done
a. By the customer using LaserLock's online tools
b. By sending the gold master(s) to a LaserLock mastering licensee
c. By sending the gold master(s) to the LaserLock.
a. Fill in the technical form (A1) and the order form (form 2) and send by fax to +30 2310 937222. Don't forget to include the replication factory to be used and their stamper specifications.
b. LaserLock will place an order to mastering licensee.
c. Create the pre-master disc with our online tools (Please, make sure you choose the same encoder our mastering licensees has).
d. Send the pre-master disc to LaserLock mastering licensee.
e. LaserLock mastering licensee will create the protected stampers and send them to you, or to the replication factory of your choice.
a. Fill in the technical form (A1) and the order form (form 2) and send by fax to +30 2310 937222. Don't forget to include the replication factory to be used and their stamper specifications.
b. Mail the master disc together with the original forms to:
• Any LaserLock mastering licensee or
• MLS LaserLock Int'l Inc, 79, 17 Noemvriou Street, 54352 Thessaloniki, Greece.
c. Mastering Licensee or LaserLock will do the pre-mastering. In case LaserLock does the pre-mastering, LaserLock will then send the new master disc to mastering licensee for glass mastering.
d. LaserLock mastering licensee will create the protected stampers and send them to you, or to the replication factory of your choice.
Steps for LaserLock CD-R Copy Protection when USING LaserLock online tools :
a. Make a connection to our online tools.
b. Inject LaserLock anti-debugging and anti-cracking module, which contains the CD/CD-R/DVD verification module, to the executable(s).
c. Place the protected executable(s) in the program setup package replacing the originals.
d. Produce an image on disk, identical to the original except for the protected executable(s).
e. Process this image with LaserLock online tools and special LaserLock authentication signatures and watermarks are added.
f. Burn the LaserLock protected CD-R, using our online tools.
1. Laserlock 是如何工作的?
Laserlock 使用以下三种方法进行加密:
(1) 复杂的密码加密程序;
(2) 特殊的光学技术,在光盘上制作的
(3) 防追踪软件
Laserlock 将在你的可执行文件中插入一个特殊的签名。签名程序将在光盘上寻找与之对应的物理签名。物理是全世界唯一的。为了防止追踪和破解,签名外面加了若干层防破解的壳,用于提高程序的安全性。
2. Laserlock 的记号(signature)有多大?
在 CD-ROM 和 CD-R 上面,记号需要 20MB 的磁盘空间;DVD-ROM 需要 40MB 空间。
3. 什么是物理记号(physcial signature)?
Laserlock 物理记号是一些损坏扇区和隐藏好扇区的组合。物理记号只能被特殊的 Laserlock 程序所生成和识别。
4. 物理记号是什么时候做上去的?
对于 CD-ROM 和 DVD-ROM 来说,物理记号是在光盘厂完成;对于 CD-R 来说,是在刻录中做上去的。
5. Laserlock 的兼容性如何?
Laserlock 从 1995 年开始商业使用的,经过多年的发展,现在已经是一个成熟和健壮的加密系统。
6. Laserlock 支持软盘吗?
Laserlock 最早是1990年开始支持软盘,鉴于软盘已经正在逐渐被淘汰,目前 Laserlock 不再支持软盘,而是把更多的时间和精力放到光盘存储上面来。
7. Laserlock 支持什么样的光盘格式?
Laserlock 支持标准 CD-ROM 格式、混合模式CD(Mixed Mode CD)等所有第一个track是数据的所有 MODE 1模式。支持 Hybrid CD。不支持 Mac 光盘格式;不能加密 Audio-CD。Laserlock 仅支持标准的 4.7 GB DVD-ROM。
8. Laserlock 加密光盘的作用是什么?
最终用户在运行进行了 Laserlock 加密的应用程序时,他必须插入原始光盘,以便能够运行程序。Laserlock 将在应用程序运行之前校验光盘上的物理标记。检验时间根据光驱的性能而定,一般仅需要15-25秒。校验过程中,开发者可以在用户等待的时候,显示一副自定义的图像。如果校验失败,Laserlock 将弹出一个标准的 Windows 对话框,提示用户插入正版光盘。
9. 用户可以把光盘上的内容拷贝到硬盘上吗?
10. Laserlock 能防止拷贝软件吗?
Nero Burning v.5
Clone-CD v.3211
Easy CD Creator v.5
Win on CD v.5
CD-R Win v.4
Adaptec Direct CD v.5
Blind Read/Write v.3/1
11. Laserlock 可以保护什么样的程序?
Laserlock 可以保护 IA-32 PE 文件。
12. Laserlock 可以保护多个可执行文件吗?
Laserlock 可以保护多个可执行文件,这些可执行文件都使用同一张原光盘。唯一的限制是:这些程序不能同时运行。另外一个情况是,在多个可执行文件保护中,如果一个可执行文件调用另外一个可执行文件,多重验证会导致时间的延长。
13. Laserlock 对于光盘工厂有特殊要求吗?
光盘工厂需要 Eclipse 或者 Singulus (OEM Media Morphics)的制作器。
14. Laserlock 支持网络吗?
Laserlock 会首先扫描本地的驱动器;如果未能找到原始光盘,网络版将继续扫描已经映射到本机的网络驱动器。
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