这篇文章的作者是Mark Spoonauer,他在文章中指出,通过他对最近桌面操作系统市场一系列重大事件的总结,他认为,Linux虽然最近在桌面操作系统市场小有斩获,但是总体来说,不进反退,特别是在EEEPC这件事情上,Windows Xp从新找到了感觉。用户只关心价格,越便宜越好,搭载Xp的便宜的EEEpc将会赢得更多的市场。
An opinion piece at LaptopMag suggests that Linux's "window of opportunity" on the desktop, and especially laptops, has closed. But has it, really?
Author Mark Spoonauer makes some great observations about momentum in the market. He seems very attuned to the laptop market, and strings recent events together to show how after a series of modest victories, Linux appears to have met with a few set-backs. Microsoft Windows XP, meanwhile, looks more relevant than ever, he reckons, with a key win on Asus's EEE. "People know XP. People like low prices. Put the two together and you have a hit -- and many successful hits to come," he writes.
It's an astute observation, I think, that XP has a marvelous future ahead of it in the ULCPC (ultra-low cost PC space). Microsoft recently agreed to allow OEM installations of XP on ULCPCs beyond June, the cut-off for desktop XP installations by the big guys (your friendly local PC shop selling whitebox systems in low volume will still be allowed to install XP for at least another year, and likely well beyond that).
But I'm not sure that the EEE deal represents any kind of real watershed event for Linux. Ditto for Wal*Mart concluding its test-marketing of the $200 Linux Everex PC. These are really tiny events when you step back to look at what Linux is, where it came from, and where it's going. Mark, like the Debian FTP server's MOD (message of the day) file used to put it back in the 90's... Welcome to the Linux "We're never going out of business" sale, at an FTP site near you!
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